Sumo Gardener

Category Archives for Vegetables

Harvesting Corn – When is Corn Ready to Pick?

Harvesting Corn – When is Corn Ready to Pick?

Are you wondering how to tell when corn is ready to pick? Are you having second thoughts if they are already ready or if they need more time?Then knowing when is corn ready to pick is essential, for you to ensure that they are all ready to be consumed.

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How to Grow Tomatoes Ultimate Guide

How to Grow Tomatoes Ultimate Guide

Growing tomatoes couldn’t be easier. Even if you’re just starting out on your vegetable garden adventure, the humble tomato plant will give you a confidence boost to tackle anything.Our guide to how to grow tomatoes will help guide you through every stage of growth, just to make it even easier.

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How Far Apart To Plant Tomatoes – Why is Spacing Important?

How Far Apart To Plant Tomatoes – Why is Spacing Important?

Deciding how far apart to plant tomatoes depends entirely on the variety you grow, where you grow it, and how often you feed and water your tomato plants.This guide focuses on each element of that decision-making process in stages, so you’ll have all the tools you need to space tomato plants properly this year.For example, […]

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Tomato Blossom End Rot

Tomato Blossom End Rot – Prevent and Treat Tomatoes Rotting

Tomatoes rotting or blossom end rot is a common gardening problem that has caught many new gardeners off guard. Whether on tomatoes, melon fruits, cucumber, pepper or squash, you may come across blossom bottom end rot.This guide focuses on preventing and treating tomato blossom end rot and stop your delicious tomatoes rotting on your vines. […]

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Best Onion Fertilizers How and When to Use

7 Best Onion Fertilizers for 2025 | How and When to Use

Onions are one of the more popular crops to establish at home so understanding the ins and outs of fertilizing onions is also an essential component to ensuring healthy and tasty yields.With a massive portion of growers moving to more organic methods of growing crops, it can be a little overwhelming when trying to choose […]

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How to Grow Potatoes At Home

How to Grow Potatoes At Home

There is no gardener on this green planet who could portray anything but admiration for the humble potato, but despite being one of the oldest vegetable crops known to humans (and the first recorded vegetable to be deliberately bred and hybridized) these boring old spuds still manage to get the best of even seasoned gardeners.In […]

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