Sumo Gardener

How Much Mulch Do I Need?

Are you about to add mulch to your garden? "How much mulch do I need" is the question that you probably have in mind right now. The article below will give you the required information that you need when it comes to applying mulch in your garden.

Let’s find out by reading the information provided below.


What is a Mulch?

What is a mulch

Mulch is used to help your garden to have a uniform and clean appearance. There are also a lot of benefits that your soil can get from using mulch, such as a barrier of the sprouting of weeds, and as well as reduce the loss of water through the soil’s evaporation.

There are also mulches that are degradable, including bark dust and straw decompose, which will help in improving the nutrients and other organic matter in your soil.

There are also other types of mulch, including gravel which doesn’t need to break down. But this kind of mulch should not often be replaced compared to mulches that are degradable. No matter what type of mulch you are going to use, the most important thing that you need to do is to know how much mulch you need for your soil.

It can be quite difficult to accurately predict how much mulch you need, but if you access an online mulch calculator, it can quite easy to prepare mulch according to your requirements. More importantly, this can save you money and time. 

How Many Cubic Feet is Needed in a Yard of Mulch

How many cubic feet is needed in a yard of mulch

Typically a mulch is being sold by stores by the bag, and they usually come in different sizes, which ranges from one cubic foot to three cubic feet per bag. If you prefer buying the “1 cubic feet bag”, you will need 27 bags for every 1 cubic yard. Typically, the size of your yard will determine the number of mulch bags that you will need.

That is why it is important to follow the table below to ensure that your yard will be getting the right amount of mulch. In this way, your lawn, will remain healthy and free from unwanted plants.

Mulch calculator

How Much Mulch Do I Need for a Circular Bed Square

How Much Mulch Do I Need for a Circular Bed Square?

For you to know how much mulch you need for a circular bed square, you need to measure the bed’s diameter in feet. Divide the total by half for you to be able to get the radius. The radius will then be multiplied by itself.

Once you’re done, you need to get the area by multiplying the radio squared by pi (3.14) for you to be able to get the required area in square feet. Once you got the area in square feet, the next thing that you need to do is multiply it to the depth that you desire in inches.

Once you got the total, the next thing that you need to do is to divide it by 324. Typically for a mulch that is 2 inches in layers in a 6-foot circle, you will need a mulch that measures 0.2 cubic yards. 

The reason behind this is because a bed is small and the number is usually being rounded to the nearest tenth.

How Much Mulch Do I Need for Cubic Yards

How Much Mulch Do I Need for Cubic Yards?

For you to know how much mulch is needed for cubic yards, you need to measure the width and the length of the area in feet. Once done, you need to multiply them together for you to be able to find the square feet of the area.

You can start doing this process in all of the areas where you plant to lay the mulch that you have and add together the total square footage of all of the areas that you are planning to cover. Of course, you also need to know how deep the mulch's layer will be.

Typical in most vegetable gardens and flowerbeds, you will need 2 to 3 inches of mulch in depth. But for grass and heavy weed suppression, you can put at least 6 inches of mulch. If you want to make sure, you can start multiplying the total area that you have in feet by the depth that you want for the mulch.

The answer should be divided by 324 and round it of to the nearest whole number for you to find out how much mulch you need for cubic yards.

Above are the answers to your question on how much mulch do I need, but you’re probably thinking about the types of mulch available today.

Mulch You can Purchase for Your Garden

Premium Mulches for Your Garden

There are excellent types of mulches, and they are typically made out cypress or cedar trees. They cost USD 4 to 7 per bag or USD 40 to 47 per yard. 

These types of mulches can usually last for an extended period, and they don’t get blown away too easily in high winds.

Dyed and Hardwood Mulches for Your Garden

How Much Mulch Do I Need?

Dyed and hardwood mulches ranges from USD 3 to 6 per bag or USD 30 to 36 per yard.

You can provide an extra style to your garden by adding color; you can consider purchasing gold, redwood, or black mulch.

Economy Mulches for Your Garden

Best mulch for your garden

The cheapest that is available on the market today is the economy mulch which costs USD 2 to 4 per bag or USD 19 to 25 per yard.

If you are not into appearance and you need something in large quantity, then the economy mulch is the one for you.

Benefits of Using Mulch

Using a bag of mulch is a good habit when it comes to gardening since it has a lot of advantages. If you are one of the many who is still having second thoughts of using mulch, then the information below will help you decide.

Weed Germination

Mulching can inhibit plant growth and germination of weed

One of the known benefits of using mulch is that it can inhibit the growth and as well as the germination of weed. Weeds are sore to the eyes, and they are also known to steal all the necessary resources from the other garden plants that you have that are more desirable.

Soil Moisture

Mulching helps the soil to hold on the moisture

Another good thing about mulch is that it helps the soil to hold on to the moisture that it needs. It will help the plants to stay protected since the plants won’t dry quickly.

Helps in Soil Temperature

Mulch also can moderate the temperature fluctuations of the soil. This is most especially useful during the season of spring since the weather can be turbulent during the season. Help moderate the temperature by adding mulch so your plants won’t be stressed, which can then affect their growth.

Keeps the Roots Protected

Putting mulch will help the roots keep protected during winter or colder weather, as it will prevent the roots from frost-heaving. The plants will be pushed away from the ground by the soil’s contraction, and the natural expansion as the soil cools and heats up. On the other hand, the mulch will help the roots of the plant to be cooler.

Right Mulch to Use

The right mulch to use will usually depend on the current climate that you are living in

The right mulch to use will usually depend on the current climate that you are living in and as well as the area in your yard where you are planning to use it.

You can opt to purchase mulches in gardening stores, but there are also free ones if you prefer to save more. You can use grass clippings and pine needles as mulch.

What you can do is to experiment for you to be able to find out the needs of your plants.

Wrapping Up How Much Mulch Do I Need?

If you are unsure of what mulch is needed then asking the gardening store about it would be essential. Of course, it would be best to get to know your plants for you to are aware of their needs and the needs of your soil.

Also, don’t forget to take note on how many cubic feet of a yard mulch is needed when applying.

These are all the information that you need when it comes to the types and how much of mulch that you need for your garden.

Now that you know the answer to "How much mulch do I need," all you have to do is to choose the right mulch and apply it to your garden’s soil to reap off its benefits.

About the Author Ann Katelyn

I'm Ann Katelyn, Creator and Chief Author of Sumo Gardener. Since I was a child I've always been fascinated with plants and gardens, and as an adult this has developed into my most loved hobby. I have dedicated most of my life to gardening and started Sumo Gardener as a way to express my knowledge about gardening with the hope of helping other people's gardens thrive.

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